So browsing through Twitter today I came across a posting of this article from December about why atheists need to disprove the existence of god before we are believed. If you haven’t yet read it, you should do so, then go punch something inanimate, and come back and we will go over just how mind-bogglingly unintelligent this whole piece is.

Are you back? You should really go get that hand looked at. I think it may be broken.

I'm an atheist. Whew, there, I said it. It's not something a lot of people feel comfortable saying out loud. And I am still not saying it out loud, just typing it. It's a bit ridiculous because all it really is is a fancy word for a lack of belief in something. I don't believe in Santa Claus, but there is no word (that I know of) for that. There is such a reverence given to the concept of a god that saying you don't believe is the often times the surest way to start an argument. I think these first few blog posts are going to focus a lot on atheism because while it is not all that I am, it is a part of what I am and affects the way I view the world.